
Every soul a Story. Every room a Song. Every fall a Wake-Up Call.

The Abduction – September 19, the Catacombs below

Two weeks ago, a truly wealthy, notorious bully named Wayne Shilling was abducted in the hallway outside his Penthouse Suite. Precisely one week later, he was returned (gently used) – same time, same spot. The billionaire had immediately gone to his room and locked himself in. A few days later he emerged, game face crushed […]

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Grace Notes – Sept 12, East Stairwell, Twilight

It was like bread crumbs. Someone had left a trail of crumpled pieces of paper leading up the back stairwell between the 14th and 15th Floors. I picked up the first one, read the finely scrawled handwriting. It seemed to be a love letter. The next one was a confession of some unspecified crime. The […]

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The Secret – September 5, Hotel Lobby, 2AM

Post midnight, just me and Stanley Cooper, Night Manager at the front desk in the deserted Lobby. Cigarette between two stained fingers, he paused to watch the smoke dart and weave upwards then waved me over to join him. “I’ll tell you a secret,” he said leaning in, “and you’re gonna think I’m doing the […]

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Strange Fruit – Aug 20, servants’ quarters, evening

There are things I don’t need to remember… and things I must never forget. The latter took me down many flights of back stairs to the servants’ quarters – to sit outside a door with no number… to listen with my heart … and be reminded.    Her name is Emma Masterson, a gray-haired woman of color […]

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