Ground Floor

Open Letter

Hello All! In 1993 I wrote a song called Strange Times/Hotel Earth – a troubled vision of oil-slick skies and dreamless men. Two decades later I find myself living in a world divided…a planet at risk. Like many of you, horrified at the rising stakes, I felt called upon to take some kind of meaningful […]

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First Sighting

On first sighting it seems surreal – a massive structure parked recklessly in the middle of nowhere. Nobody knows who built it or why – it simply is. The battered sign says Hotel Earth. We approach the Front Desk and ask to sign the register. We’re informed we’ve already checked in. In fact, we’ve been […]

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Trakker – one foot off the planet

Trakker is a musician/poet – part real, part illusion – who thrives on city streets and alternative universes. Always the outsider – dismayed with the small talk while the world goes up in flame; frustrated with the sleepwalkers who lip-sync their lives without question or outrage. For a while he played the clubs in LA […]

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