Open Letter

Hello All!

In 1993 I wrote a song called Strange Times/Hotel Earth – a troubled vision of oil-slick skies and dreamless men. Two decades later I find myself living in a world divided…a planet at risk.

Like many of you, horrified at the rising stakes, I felt called upon to take some kind of meaningful action. Music has always been my first responder. I went and got my guitar.

Four years later, I stepped out of the studio back onto the grid with my album Hotel Earth. Evolving from a collection of 12 interwoven songs, it emerged as a StoryWorld inside a Hotel that reflects my alternating currents of hope and despair…a place of astonishing beauty and astonishing hardship, where laughter and love are still the best antidote. Trakker (my street-poet sidekick) bears witness and documents the journey: every soul a story; every room a song; every fall a wakeup call. 

The site is for you. Feel free to check in and out. Music and Lyrics are front and center. On the Hotel page, Ground Floor offers the initial blueprint of the StoryWorld I am beginning to build. Diary will feature vignettes about the hotel and its characters, posted once a week. Rooms remains under construction – possibilities include different kinds of dedicated space – libraries, galleries & causes…perhaps spaces to showcase the work of like-minded artists.

Please stay in touch. We’re tumbling down the rabbit hole now, moving at lightning speed into uncharted territory. As a friend of mine once said…

“It’s a good time to make friends with the unknown.”

Stay lit!…Tom & Trakker

©2025 Trakker