Trakker opened his eyes, blinked…gazed about in wonder. He had come full circle. Gone for a thousand years or a fraction of a second…somehow he had been returned to where it all began: a deserted Lobby…a ticking grandfather clock…midnight at Hotel Earth. Stanley Cooper, the Night Manager, glanced up from his paperwork at the front […]
The Puzzle Calls its Pieces – December 27
I call them Gypsy Moments – a time when some rogue element intrudes into the mix. Perspectives shift, blinders fall away and things get interesting. They can’t be planned for, or manipulated, they just find you…and suddenly you’re outside the captured world – beyond the spins and spells that steal us from each other…and ourselves. […]
Your Time (the search for balance) – December 4
It’s daybreak. Like an orchestra warming up, the sun prepares its array of colors behind the far hills. I’m standing on the edge of a narrow bridge that spans a sluggish river. Backlit by streaks of dawn, I can make out the silhouette of a seated figure leaning back against the railing. The image begs […]
Walking in the Meteor Showers – October 2
On that star-struck evening, the Northern Lights brought their fire and skies erupted – a brawl of colors…streaking reds and purples until the hills below became illuminated…and magic had its way with the night. She and I had decided to drive up to the north country and witness the event. We were best friends and […]
Limo – Aug 18
LIMO Beneath the stained wood and polished glass, there is a current of magic that runs through the Hotel. Tonight I find myself in an elevator rising up beyond the rooftop…up to a landing strip overlooking the cityscape…a place where rumors collect and imagination runs like watercolors. Out along the runways, beneath a panoply of […]
Dangerous Heart – July 19
In a tangle of sheets, she leans back on one hand, dark hair in disarray around her shoulders. Following an amazing night – fierce and selfless – the morning after is suddenly upon us…and a different kind of nakedness sets in. She watches me watching her – eyes slightly shuttered, chin tilting forward…navigating the distance […]
Mountains & Lullabies – May 23
I find myself walking in December hills…a dirt road winding between barren trees…light snow falling. Winter is the honest season, distilled down to essential black and white. For me, it’s a dreamscape awash with ghosts and memories. Up ahead, I see a rusted motorcycle, lying on its side beside the road…triggering thoughts of you…my oldest […]
The Hotel – April 19
It’s been said that a poet’s job is to listen to the small talk of infinity. If so, tonight the language is harsh and troubled. Sheets of rain lash against a million windows. Bells clang in the distance. Rising up on every side, a wandering storm settles around the Hotel for a long night’s siege. […]
Tiger – March 27
If I wear a mask long enough, my face slowly conforms, giving up its independence. It feels safer that way. So I stay with it – and a piece of me goes missing. If I live in a culture long enough, I begin to wear its premise..,fit into its contours, defend its Lies. It simplifies […]
The Children’s Crusade – March 3
In Parkland… the dead did not lie down, Did not let the bullet holes Be cauterized by denial Or the passage of time, This time the wound stays open Lit by troubled light, The moment grips – raw, unprocessed Held in place by children’s outrage… Forfeiting their youth to become Flash-points for change, Demanding courage…demanding […]